Greenside, Alton Road

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Greenside site plan

Southern Housing is one of the largest housing providers in the UK with around 80,000 homes across London, the South East, the Isle of Wight and the Midlands, giving over 167,000 people somewhere affordable to call their own.

Our vision is to create and support communities where everyone has a safe home in a place where they’re proud to live.

Keeping you updated about your new home

We look forward to welcoming you to your new home at Greenside. Whilst we're doing all we can to make that happen as quickly as possible, we also recognise the stress and inconvenience

Southern Housing is one of the largest housing providers in the UK with around 80,000 homes across London, the South East, the Isle of Wight and the Midlands, giving over 167,000 people somewhere affordable to call their own.

Our vision is to create and support communities where everyone has a safe home in a place where they’re proud to live.

Keeping you updated about your new home

We look forward to welcoming you to your new home at Greenside. Whilst we're doing all we can to make that happen as quickly as possible, we also recognise the stress and inconvenience many buyers are experiencing as you wait to move into your new home.

We've committed to providing buyers with a progress update by email every other Wednesday. In addition, we'll keep you informed on this webpage with updates and answers to frequently asked questions.

How to use the webpage

You'll find these tools by scrolling down and clicking on the following tabs:

  • Your questions - here you can ask a question and read what other people have asked.
  • Updates - Read the latest fortnightly update and look back over previous updates since July 2024.
  • Ideas - A place for you to share your ideas for how to improve the webpage.

The following features can be found to the right of your screen (or by scrolling down if using a hand-held device).

  • Who's listening - contact details for members of the team who monitor this webpage and who you can email if you prefer your query to remain private.
  • Key milestones - A timeline tracking progress towards occupation.
  • FAQs - We'll add responses to frequently asked questions here, so these will evolve over time.
  • Glossary of terms - abbreviations, technical language and jargon explained in more detail here. If you come across a term you're not familiar with, please message us using the Ideas tab below.
  • Document library - here we’ll store minutes of meetings, brochures, previous FAQs etc. Please let us know if there are any published documents you'd like us to save here (see Ideas).
  • Photos - We'll add the latest photos showing progress on site here.


The webpage can be translated into dozens of different languages. If you or a family member would find it helpful, click on Select Language to the top left of your screen (the globe icon). Please note it won't translate documents in the Document Library.

We'll add more information as it becomes available and in response to your requests. Please note there may be periods when the webpage is not available while we update information. If so, please try again later.

  • Additional update 11 September

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    Dear all

    This is an additional update in response to the many queries we've received asking for more details about the timelines.

    We’ve previously updated you on our current understanding, that mid-October is a realistic date for Mulalley to complete outstanding work on site (see FAQs for more details). We will inform you if this changes.

    Please be aware that PC will not be achieved until Mulalley provides all the paperwork that demonstrates the buildings have been constructed in accordance with contractual and regulatory requirements.

    Once we achieve PC, we are estimating it may take a further six months to allow occupation of Block B. This is to allow additional time for our technical team to scrutinise and confirm the accuracy of the thousands of documents required by the Regulator for Block B.

    We will be able to better assess the timeline for occupation once we’ve reached PC.

    We realise this will not be welcome news but believe it accurately represents the situation we’re in.

    We acknowledge how difficult it is to manage this level of uncertainty and understand why we’re being pressed for dates. However, we don’t want to provide false reassurance that the homes will be ready by a certain date. You need to consider what’s best for you when deciding whether to wait for Greenside to be finished or rescind on your purchase.

    We’ve provided this update out of sequence because we understand previous updates have caused some confusion. This was not our intention. Where we’ve provided estimates, these are subject to changes beyond our control.

    We’ll continue to provide fortnightly updates, with the next update being on Wednesday 18 September.

  • 4 September update

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    Hello all

    See below our third fortnightly update with an outline of progress on the Greenside development.

    Updates from the Construction team

    Work on site since the last update includes the following activities:

    • Hard landscaping to the area fronting Alton Road.
    • Four units in block B are ready for the 2nd de-snag. The lower ground duplex apartments are due to be snagged on Friday 6 September.
    • 10 units in Block C have been de-snagged from ground to level 3.
    • Witness testing (see Glossary) took place as planned between 28 and 30 August across the development. Calford Seaden will issue a report of actions for Mulalley to address before handover.
    • Our third-party fire consultant (OFR) visited site on 20 August to carry out the pre-occupation FRA (Fire Risk Assessment). We’re expecting their report before our next update.
    • Planning condition 11 (evidence of the energy strategy as built) has been cleared.

    Virgin Media and s278 works update

    Virgin Media visited Greenside development on the 23 August to assess the works required. They raised concerns over the potential parking restrictions and road closure the Council may require before they will issue a permit for the works to take place.

    This means that Virgin Media works will not begin as planned on 9 Sept.

    The timeline relies on the completion of the following sequence of actions:

    • Virgin Media to submit a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) to the Council
    • Wandsworth Council to approve and issue a permit

    Until the Virgin Media works are completed, Mulalley is not able to progress s278 works (see Glossary).

    For clarity, Mulalley continue to liaise with Wandsworth Council to obtain the permit for the s278 works they will need after the Virgin Media works are complete. We are working directly with senior management at Virgin Media and with Wandsworth Highways to impress upon them the urgency of this work.

    Water ingress

    Our EA (Employer’s Agent) provided the following update regarding water ingress:

    Mulalley stripped back the entire lower ground floor external paving to fully investigate, although the water ingress was isolated to the corner of block C and manifesting in flat C7.

    Mulalley believes that following heavy rain, ponding water was flooding the level access thresholds, bypassing the waterproofing layer. To combat this, they are proposing to reduce the ground level by approximately 150mm and reinstate the paving on raised stands. This will give level access and create a void under the paving that will allow the existing drainage to better handle localised ponding.

    This solution needs to be fully designed and signed off with the building warranty provider NHBC, but it looks to be a comprehensive solution.

    There has been no fresh evidence of water ingress since the levels were reduced in the units affected at C7 and the party wall of C6.

    All remaining lower ground floor flats remain unaffected. The flats have been dehumidified but no reinstatement will occur until the final drainage and waterproofing solution has been agreed.

    Blocks A and D progress

    Initial snagging is complete on 1st - 4th floors of Block A.

    Block D contractor’s snagging is almost complete.

    The Council will be given three months' notice to occupy Block A on receipt of the Practical Completion certificate. This will allow mobilisation of the care provider team.

    Block B Progress

    Our Clerk of Works (CoW) de-snagging inspections and sign off are ongoing for flats on the 1st to 5th floors.

    Ground floor plots and duplexes are booked for snagging on 6 Sept.

    As of the CoW inspection on 28 August 2024:

    • 21 of the 28 flats have been snagged.
    • 20 have been de-snagged.
    • 11 are complete, awaiting sales sign off.

    Communal stairwell and corridors initial snag complete 1st-4th floors.

    Block C progress

    Our CoW de-snagging inspections and sign off are ongoing for flats on the 1st to 5th floors.

    The initial snag of the communal stairwell and corridors, from the ground to 4th floors, is complete.

    As of 28 August 2024, our CoW records that:

    • 23 of the 26 flats have been snagged.
    • 10 have been de-snagged.
    • 1 is complete awaiting sales sign off.
    • The entrance lobby is ready for decorating.

    Updates from the Sales team


    We understand many customers are keen to view their properties again.

    Our priority for now is to allow Mulalley to finish the project without interruption. Once we reach practical completion, we will invite customers to view their homes for a final time before their completion.

    Updates re the webpage

    Since the last update we have made the following changes to the webpage:

    • Added a Glossary of terms (on the right-hand side or below if using a hand-held device).
    • Updated the Key milestones to make it clear that two key milestones only apply to Block B (following PC (Practical Completion).
    • Updated the FAQs, adding some new ones and making others clearer in response to queries received since the last update.

    We were asked whether we alter or amalgamate your questions on the webpage.

    This depends on how we receive the questions and which part of the webpage they are published on:

    Questions and responses

    If you ask a question using the Questions and responses tool (found on the tabs towards the bottom of the webpage), the webpage admins can choose to answer publicly or privately.

    If we answer publicly, both the question and our response is published as they were written and can be read by everyone.

    If the question contains information that would not be right to share publicly e.g. information about another person, we can choose to answer privately, and the questioner will receive our response by email.

    The site is also automatically monitored by the site providers and by AI, so any abusive or otherwise unsuitable language would not reach us.

    We may respond by directing you to an existing FAQ or to let you know we will include a more comprehensive response in the next update.


    Frequently Asked Questions are found on the right-hand side of the webpage (or below if using a hand-held device). Our aim here is to provide easy to find, public answers to questions that people are asking us individually.

    For this tool, we may amalgamate questions received from several people into one question if they are on the same topic. We are not able to include long questions in full as there is a word limit.

    FAQs are designed to be a go-to tool throughout the life of the project, so they will be reviewed and updated regularly. For transparency, if we make a meaningful change to an FAQ (other than clarifying something people find unclear), we will explain the change in the fortnightly update. An example might be where the date of an expected activity changes.

    Some questions may be removed if they are no longer relevant e.g. if we pass a stage and it is no longer an issue people want to know about. If that happens, we will add an archive section for previous FAQs so that people can look back over what was previously said.

    Next update

    Our next update will be on 18 September 2024.

  • 21 August update

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    Hello all

    This is our second update following our commitment to provide fortnightly updates on progress at Greenside.

    Updates from the Construction team

    Mulalley (MCL) is formally reporting the project completion date as September 2024, with the date “currently unknown due to the delay to the commencement of the Section 278 works along with the Virgin Media diversion works for the central and Redwood’s crossovers.”

    “Once we [MCL] have an agreement with Wandsworth Highways on the Section 278 Scope of works agreed and a date for the service diversions, which straddle the crossover, we will be able to forecast and give an indication of when the whole of the works will be practically complete and ready for handover.”

    Our (Southern Housing) programme manager has estimated a more realistic forecast would be mid-October for completion of the works, excluding the s278 works. Please note this does not mean that the Employer’s Agent can accept the buildings as ready to issue the Practical Completion certification (see the webpage Key milestones and FAQs for more on this).

    On-site progress in the latest period has increased significantly. This work includes the following activities:

    • The lower ground floor car park is complete with cycle stores and EVC car charging points installed. The car park resin floor finish and demarcation paint work is complete.
    • The scaffold has been removed to the front elevation and Mulalley has started the hard landscaping works to the areas fronting Alton Road. This will allow the hard landscaping works to begin week commencing 26 August.
    • Within Blocks B and C, the snagging and de-snagging process is well underway; the communal corridors are decorated and awaiting Clerk of Works (CoW) inspections, carpets are laid on all floors except the lower ground (due to water ingress).
    • We will be carrying out our witness testing of the plant machinery with Mulalley engineers on 28 – 30 August.
    • The initial pre-commencement FRA (Fire Risk Assessment) took place on Tuesday 20 August. This is the first visit, and further visits will be undertaken once the communal areas are complete.

    Water ingress – see also update from the Sales team

    Due to the water ingress to the lower ground floor, paving to the terraces has been removed. This is to allow a thorough investigation by a waterproofing specialist. The issue has been escalated to Director level at Mulalley, with support by the lead architect and specialist engineers.

    Mulalley is seeking to resolve this issue to avoid building defects occurring in the future. This is why their investigations extend beyond the previously advised flats of C06 & C07 to C08, B01 and B02, with all blocks now being examined to determine there are no further weak spots.

    Mulalley has advised they’ve made significant progress in identifying the cause of this ingress. They hope to provide a solution before our next update.

    Blocks A and D progress

    Our Clerk of Works snag and de-snag inspections have started.

    The Council will be given 3 months notice to occupy Block A on receipt of the Practical Completion certificate. This will allow mobilisation of the care provider team.

    Block B progress

    Our Clerk of Works de-snagging inspections and sign off are ongoing for flats on the 1st to 5th floors.

    As of inspection 14 August 2024:

    • 21 of the 28 flats have been snagged
    • 20 have been de-snagged
    • 11 are complete, awaiting sales sign off

    The entrance canopy waterproofing is now complete.

    Block C progress

    Our Clerk of Works de-snagging inspections and sign off are ongoing for flats on the 1st to 5th floors.

    As of inspection 14 August 2024:

    • 23 of the 26 flats have been snagged
    • 0 have been de-snagged
    • 0 are complete awaiting sales sign off

    Partitioning to the entrance lobby area is in progress, following the completion of roof waterproofing.

    Updates from the Sales team

    Water ingress

    We directly contacted buyers impacted by the water ingress this week. This was as a courtesy to inform them of investigative works in their homes and to their patio areas.

    The issue only affects lower ground floor homes. Block C buyers were previously aware their homes had suffered some damage and would require further investigative work.

    The lower ground floor homes in Block B were not previously affected by water ingress but they are part of the investigative works. We therefore made a courtesy call to those buyers to advise this.

    Site visits for those who missed previous visit

    We’ve contacted buyers who’ve not previously viewed their homes to invite them to a viewing day.

    We plan to invite those affected by the water ingress to view their homes once the remedial works have been completed to those properties.

    Once we’re closer to practical completion, we hope to organise a further visit for those who wish to view their homes again. For now, we want Mullaley to continue working to achieve practical completion without giving them any reason to break off.

    Offer of good will payments

    We have previously agreed to contribute toward mortgage arrangement fees and valuation costs, subject to receipt of payment. This is for those whose mortgages expired and who were unable to extend. Where agreed, these will show as a deduction on your completion statement.

    We also agreed to pay toward reasonable storage costs for those who had reserved homes prior to April 2024, subject to receipt of payment. This is discretional, based on individual circumstances and should be discussed with Jade Skates or Sarah Dodds. This will also be shown as a deduction on your completion statement.

    In exceptional cases we can make a one-off payment. Please discuss with Sarah or Jade if you require a one-off payment. Our decision will be based on individual circumstances.

    Our internal financial system has restrictions that only allow one manual payment outside of completion. This applies to anyone who is not yet a resident with an account set up at Southern Housing.

    Next update

    Our next update will be on 4 September 2024. You’ll find additional information on our webpage, which is updated more frequently.

  • 7 August update

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    Good evening

    This update follows your meeting with Jane Williams, Luke Chandler, Vikki Walker and other key members of the Southern Housing team on Tuesday 30 July.

    In her email last Thursday, Jane explained that I’d be in touch to discuss the fortnightly updates agreed during that meeting. I’ll be working closely with the Construction and Sales teams to coordinate updates and responses to any queries.

    This is the first of the updates and begins with our responses to your questions. I’ve also included information about and a link to a new Greenside webpage that I hope you’ll find useful.

    Responses to queries

    Several people emailed with questions following the Teams meeting. We’ve summarised the questions and our responses here:

    Q1. Why has expected date of completion moved again (this time by 6 months)?

    The last update before our meeting on 30 July advised that Mulalley anticipated practical completion on August 27th, with Building Safety Registration to follow in September. This would have allowed for handover in mid-September and occupancies from late September. We emphasised that this timeline was uncertain and subject to change but we shared it in good faith.

    Just before the meeting, we were advised this was no longer possible. Further delays had resulted in a change to this forecast. We've asked Mulalley to clarify the cause of these delays and provide a detailed programme of outstanding works.

    Until we have this, we believe it best to inform you of a potential worst-case scenario of a further six months. It's not our intention to delay occupation but six months does enable many affected by the latest delay to renew or extend tenancies with more security. Our intention is still to obtain the relevant practical completion and handover for occupation as quickly as possible.

    Q2. Can we have a copy of the schedule of works to see what is still outstanding?

    Mulalley has not provided a detailed programme of works. However, our in-house programme planner attended site on Tuesday 6 August to assess works against the programme. He has advised that mid-October is a realistic completion date.

    Regarding outstanding works, Mulalley has identified a design issue to the lower ground floor of Blocks B and C, which is causing water ingress. This is being investigated by Mulalley and we'll also invite our technical team to inspect and comment. This could delay registration of Block B and occupation of the lower ground floor flats in Block C.

    We'll provide a full update in two weeks’ time.

    Q3. Can we meet with the Building Safety Regulator (BSR) to urge them to speed up the process of registration?

    Registering with the Regulator will only take around one week. However, we must then provide a full suite of documentation within 28 days of registration. The Regulator is not able to influence how long it takes us to gather that documentation.

    We must be confident we can provide all the required documents BEFORE we register Block B with the BSR. The risk we have if we register before we have everything, is that we're unable to obtain key documents from our contractor within the required timeframe.

    We're working with our contractor to make sure these documents are provided in a timely way, but they're not legally bound to provide them until practical completion.

    Q4. Can flats in Cyprus House (Block C) be occupied before Yew House (Block B) is registered with the BSR?

    Yes, Block C can be occupied once we obtain practical completion.

    All blocks have to be signed off by building control, with building warranty CML’s (Council of Mortgage Lenders). This enables them to be issued with practical completion certificates and other important compliance documents.

    Once we have these documents, we will register Block B (which is over 18m) with the BSR.


    • Block C can be occupied once we obtain practical completion.
    • Block B – is subject to building registration after practical completion (so cannot be occupied until we receive sign off from the BSR)
    • Blocks A & D – these are the Extra Care homes. Once we obtain practical completion there will be a 3-month period for the care provision to be set up with the Council.

    Email updates

    These will continue as previously but more regularly, with an email every other Wednesday, beginning with this one.

    Emails might include the following content (feedback welcome):

    • written update of progress on site
    • outstanding tasks
    • summary of responses to queries (other than those that are urgent or only apply to individuals, which we’ll respond to in person)
    • invitations to meetings or viewings (as required)
    • A link to the Greenside webpage.

    Webpage / engagement platform

    In addition to the email update, we’ve created a webpage where you and your future neighbours at Greenside can keep up to date with progress, see the latest photos and look back over previous updates and minutes of meetings.

    The site is still being developed but it’s ready to visit and already contains more information than we can include in an email. You can register for it here. The requirements to sign up are minimal but if you have any difficulty, please email me at

    The advantage of the webpage is that it collates information in one place for you to look at in your own time. It’s also interactive and contains tools that encourage discussion (if you wish). We’ll add more information as it becomes available and in response to your requests.

    The webpage currently contains the following features (some are more developed than others):

    • General information about the development (to be added)
    • Your questions – for you to add questions and read what others have asked
    • Updates - contains fortnightly updates.
    • Quick poll – included as an example of how this feature can be used
    • Who’s listening – details of key contacts
    • Progress – a timeline of key milestone (to be developed)
    • FAQs – This can be added to but currently contains four questions received following the meeting, and our responses.
    • Document library – for minutes of meetings, brochures, previous Q&As etc
    • Photos – more can be added.

    There are other tools that could be added if there’s an appetite to use them.

    Access requirements

    • You’ll need access to a SMART phone, tablet or computer
    • Option for the user to translate the content into many different languages (Select language, top left of screen).

    Next update

    The next update will be on Wednesday 21 August.

    You can contact me by email at or by using the webpage Ideas feature (scroll down to tabs at bottom of page and choose ‘Ideas’). Please note that I’ll be on leave from Monday 12 – Wednesday 14 August. I’ll respond to any queries on my return.

  • 16 July update and meeting invitation

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    Good afternoon,

    I hope you are all keeping well. I email with the latest development update regarding Greenside.

    First, we are pleased to confirm we will be holding another update at 5.30pm, 30 July, via Teams.

    The Southern Housing Sales and Development Directors will be in the meeting along with the other representatives from the team. A representative from Censeo (one of our panel of mortgage advisors) will also be there to any general questions regarding mortgages.

    At the meeting we will be providing the latest position as we move towards practical completion. If you have any specific questions, please let me and Sarah know in advance, and we will prepare responses for the meeting.

    Please be reminded that others on the call will be able to see your name etc.

    I’d like to take this opportunity to give you a quick site progress update:

    All Blocks

    • Lobby and canopy work is underway. We are predicting this work will be complete within the next four weeks.
    • Blocks A & D are nearing completion and getting ready for the Clerk of Work snagging.

    Block B

    Currently being de-snagged, except for the basement properties.

    Block B Basement properties:

    • Plots B1 and B2: flooring is being laid and nearing contractor’s snag.
    • Plot B5: 2nd fix being completed, flooring being laid, decorating nearly complete.
    • Communal areas tape and jointing, 2nd fix carpentry nearly done.
    • Fencing going up in the basement gardens.

    Block C:

    Ground – 4th floor snagging is nearly complete. Mulalley is completing the snagging items in these properties ready for de-snag.

    Block C Basements properties:

    • C07- Living area stripped back to ascertaining water ingress source. Specialist employed to help rectify this. Bathrooms near completion, kitchen installed and flooring will be installed once water ingress rectified.
    • C06 - Kitchen fitted and wood flooring installed. 2nd fix carpentry and electrical mostly complete.
    • C08 - 2nd fix mostly complete with decoration mostly complete. Not affected by water ingress.


    • Lots of activity on site.
    • Lifts were being tested 10 July ready for commissioning.
    • The draft operational and mechanical manual has been received ready to review.
    • Pre-occupational fire risk assessment is due to be carried out at the beginning of August.
    • Energy Performance Certificates are ready and due to be issued.
    • A non-material amendment has been agreed by the local authority to allow occupation prior to all 278 works being completed.
    • Virgin Media installation (under 278 works) has been instructed and paid for. We await installation date.

    Practical Completion and handover

    Mulalley is predicting practical completion 27 August.

    We anticipate BSR sign off in September.

    We anticipate internal handover to the sales team mid-September.

    We anticipate occupations from late September. This is not guaranteed and is subject to change.

    Kind regards


Page last updated: 22 Jan 2025, 05:33 PM