22 January update
Hello all
Since the reopening of the site in January, we have been working on actions to achieve PC and subsequent occupation.
1. The Non-Material Amendment (relating to S278 works)
NMA to enable occupation has been extended to 31 March 2025.
This allows us to focus on the final remaining items needed to achieve PC.
2. Temporary access
We have asked Highways to agree the installation of a temporary metal ramp to allow service vehicles (ie fire trucks) access into the site. The council have said this will require temporary double yellow lines and a temporary footway closure. The council need to be comfortable with the proposed solution before we submit a Temporary Traffic Management Order (TTMO) that details these works.
We are waiting for a timeline for TTMO approval from the Principal Transport Planner and will confirm this in our next update. We need this approved before we can allow occupation.
3. Service diversion
We have been informed that BT, VM and the council have now agreed service diversion works will go ahead on 17 – 21 February, which is school half term week. It is common practice for any highways works to take place during school holidays to minimise disruption.
To ensure the most efficient resolution, we kindly request that you direct all enquiries through our team. Direct contact with the council may inadvertently delay the process.
4. Witness testing
Further witness testing of the Heat Network and Life Safety Systems took place week beginning 6 January. The visit highlighted some areas that were still not satisfactory. A report was sent to Mulalley on 9 January for them to follow up on the outstanding actions.
We have asked Mulalley to provide a response on the outstanding actions before our next update to you so we can provide further information.
5. Compliance documentation
The draft Operational and Maintenance (O&M) manual has been received from Mulalley. Our technical team are checking to make sure all items are complete and require no further changes for the final version.
We understand everyone is waiting for a date for occupation. We are pushing Mulalley hard to resolve all the outstanding actions we have identified.
Although we’re not able to confirm an actual date for when PC is to be achieved, it is our view that occupation of Block C is achievable in March 2025.
Snagging and de-snagging update
Block C - Cypress House – 26 homes
All internal areas have been snagged and de-snagged except those flats affected by the water ingress. These are three lower ground floor flats, C06, C07 and CO8. De-snagging of these flats and the external areas began week commencing 13 Jan 2025.
Block C occupation is subject to a temporary crossover solution, which is still being negotiated with Highways.
Block B – Yew House - 28 homes
All internal areas have been snagged and de-snagged except those flats affected by the water ingress. These are three lower ground floor flats, B01, B02 & B05. De-snagging of these flats and the external areas began week commencing 13 Jan 2025.
Block B is subject to Building Safety Registration, so occupation will follow registration.
The next update will be on 5 February.
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