Tell us what would help ethnic minorities access our complaints service

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This consultation has now been concluded.

Outcomes to the insight used from this project will be shared here shortly

We want to ensure we understand the needs of residents from ethnic minorities.

Everyone should feel able to make a complaint when we have not provided you with the expected standard of service.

Have you experienced any challenges when trying to access the complaints service?

Are you aware that reasonable adjustments, such as language translation, can be made to help residents give their feedback?

If so, were any adjustments made when you discussed your complaint with the team? Did you experience any barriers?

By using the forum or ideas board, by sharing your story or by taking a short survey, we can look at where we are going wrong and make improvements to our service for you.

Thank you.

We want to ensure we understand the needs of residents from ethnic minorities.

Everyone should feel able to make a complaint when we have not provided you with the expected standard of service.

Have you experienced any challenges when trying to access the complaints service?

Are you aware that reasonable adjustments, such as language translation, can be made to help residents give their feedback?

If so, were any adjustments made when you discussed your complaint with the team? Did you experience any barriers?

By using the forum or ideas board, by sharing your story or by taking a short survey, we can look at where we are going wrong and make improvements to our service for you.

Thank you.

Have you considered contacting Southern Housing Group to make a complaint? We would like to hear about your experience

Thank you for sharing your story with us.
This involvement opportunity has now closed. Outcomes to this project will be shared shortly.