How to contact the community investment team

    If you are currently struggling to cover day to day living costs and pay for essential items such as food, heating and clothing, please get in touch with us by calling 0300 020 0549 or by completing the referral form Click here

    You may be eligible for some short term financial support so that you don’t have to go without essential items. If you submit the referral form a member of our team will get back to you within 3 working days to find out more about your situation.

    Below we have shared how we have put residents' suggestions so far into practice

    The Community Investment team will now be promoting the support we can provide in the following ways:

    • Posters in communal areas
    • Emailing residents about the support available that the Group has an up to date email address for 

    (You can update your contact details via the online account Already have an account? | Southern Housing Group ( )

    Feedback to other suggestions:

    • Use RentSense algorithm assuming we mitigate the GDPR risks

    We are working with the GDPR team to understand how we can send information by text and email to residents about the support services we offer. We can identify homes using Rentsense.

    • Website – main website as well as Southern360

    Information about the support available is provided on both websites. However, we need to look at ways to promote this further also.

    • Send information once a year to residents with their rent booklets

    We did include a message on the rent increase letters that were sent to residents. We will look at other messages the Group are sharing with all residents to understand where else we can ensure residents are aware of the support available.

    • Advertise in places residents use to find other information – such as local libraries

    At this time we are unable to promote the support in libraries, but we are going to be targeting the noticeboards we own in residents' blocks and neighbourhoods.

    • Fact sheet

    This not something we have, but the suggestion will be considered.

    • Frontline officers i.e. Homes Services Manager, Estate staff as residents felt they would know the most about residents in need

    Information about the support we provide has been shared with colleagues in these teams.

    We will discuss with the Area Service Managers if hard copies of our leaflets would be useful. We currently share digital copy of the leaflets to them by email.

    • Promote the support available in Open Door e-magazine

    We have promoted our services through Open Door previously and will also consider this idea in the future.

    • Ensure information is shared at the tenancy sign-up

    This year we have started to promote the support available at sign-up.

    • Meet at hubs or coffee mornings/events

    At this time our support team and mobile officers are busy supporting residents. However, where services are meeting with residents locally, we are providing leaflets about the services we offer. We also attend events if staff are available.

    • Provide face to face digital support to help residents get online

    Face to face is available for group sessions in some areas and is provided by some libraries. Due to staff shortages by the training providers, individual support is currently arranged online.

    • Analyse areas of where referrals to your team are made and where they are not.

    The Community Investment team look at this data twice a year and discuss with managers why they may not be receiving referrals in some areas.

    • Use the Service Centre to promote the support available

    Information has been shared previously during the hold messages and this option can be looked at again.

    The Service Centre call advisors refer residents to the community investment team for financial, employment and We are digital opportunities.

    The Service Centre have been supporting residents to sign up to the Online Account. Opportunities for support via We are digital have also been promoted during such calls.

    Other support enquiries:

    • How can elderly residents receive support for fences they can no longer afford to repair?

    Residents should discuss their need with the Home Service Manager in the first instance. The Home Service Manager can the evaluate the need for a referral to the Hardship fund.

    Thank you for all of your suggestions - please keep them coming!

    Residents told us about their experience of contacting the Community Investment team

    'Compassionate, huge amount of empathy, very supportive, kept in contact pushed forward to help me get results, above and beyond. absolutely gave me a new lease of life.'

    'They were very helpful and guided me through everything, they reassured me and helped me sort it all out.'

    'Service has been invaluable, advisor was knowledgeable and was easily to relate to, he was personable and put me at ease.'

    'Service should be advertised more and customers should be made more aware of the service.'

    How many residents have you supported in the last year and how?

    The Community Investment team provide 1-2-1 face-to face or telephone support for people struggling to pay their bills and afford everyday essentials?

    We also offer support to look for training and employment opportunities and improve or refresh your computer skills.

    Last year (April 2021 to End of March 2022) we supported over 3,000 residents to access vital help and support.

    Despite this, we know there are many more residents who could be helped, but may not know about the support we provide.

    This is why we ask for residents' help to understand how we can promote our support further