Additional update 11 September

Dear all

This is an additional update in response to the many queries we've received asking for more details about the timelines.

We’ve previously updated you on our current understanding, that mid-October is a realistic date for Mulalley to complete outstanding work on site (see FAQs for more details). We will inform you if this changes.

Please be aware that PC will not be achieved until Mulalley provides all the paperwork that demonstrates the buildings have been constructed in accordance with contractual and regulatory requirements.

Once we achieve PC, we are estimating it may take a further six months to allow occupation of Block B. This is to allow additional time for our technical team to scrutinise and confirm the accuracy of the thousands of documents required by the Regulator for Block B.

We will be able to better assess the timeline for occupation once we’ve reached PC.

We realise this will not be welcome news but believe it accurately represents the situation we’re in.

We acknowledge how difficult it is to manage this level of uncertainty and understand why we’re being pressed for dates. However, we don’t want to provide false reassurance that the homes will be ready by a certain date. You need to consider what’s best for you when deciding whether to wait for Greenside to be finished or rescind on your purchase.

We’ve provided this update out of sequence because we understand previous updates have caused some confusion. This was not our intention. Where we’ve provided estimates, these are subject to changes beyond our control.

We’ll continue to provide fortnightly updates, with the next update being on Wednesday 18 September.

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