Resident Involvement July Update

It's been just over a year since we began working in Hindle House to improve local services, engagement and communication. There's been some improvements and residents and colleagues have held more positive conversations about the future of Hindle House, but we know there's still some work to do.

We've continued working with colleagues and residents to ensure decisions about Hindle House are agreed collaboratively. See the 'Important Communications' section for the 'Community Projects Consultation' 'Hindle House Gym Consultation' and 'Bike Shed Rental Process Consultation' reports to read resident's feedback on future projects for the community and the bike shed rental service. We'll also be uploading outcome/impact reports to show how resident's feedback was used. We would also like to thank everyone that completed the recent 'Southern Housing Services Survey', we’re reviewing the responses, will share feedback with you in the next newsletter and will be in touch about further work we'll be doing to address resident feedback.

Finally we're continuing to run the Hindle House virtual notice board and deliver newsletters, which can be found here, the communications team are looking to make the newsletter quarterly and want hear your thoughts about this and the type of content you’d like to see in future editions. If you'd like the newsletter to remain monthly and have suggestions email with the heading ‘Hindle House newsletter’.

Categories: update, resident, involvement, consultations, improvement, newsletter, virtual, noticeboard
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